About SO

Integer ASCII code: 14
Binary code: 0000 1110
Octal code: 16
Hexadecimal code: 0E
Group: control
Seq: ^N

Unicode symbol: , int code: 9230 (html &#9230) hex code: 240E (html &#x240E)


Allows to move to an alternative character set.

Shift Out (SO) and Shift In (SI) are all ASCII control characters 14 and 15, accordingly (0x0E and 0x0F). Sometimes they are also called "Control-N" and "Control-O".

The initial meaning of SO and SI allowed to shift a colored ribbon, split lengthwise, usually with red and black colors, up and down to the other color in an electro-mechanical typewriter or teleprinter, for example in the Teletype Model 38, in order to automate the same function of manual typewriters. Black was the traditional external default value color, so it was shifted "in" or "out" with the other color on the ribbon.

Technological developments that happened later incited another way of use of this function - for switching to a different font or character set and back. For example, it was used in the Russian character set, which is known as KOI7. The principle was as following. SO starts its work on printing Russian letters, and SI starts printing Latin letters again. SO/SI control characters also are used in order to display VT-100 pseudographics, and emoji (Japanese picture icons) on SoftBank Mobile. ISO/IEC 2022 standard determines their generalized usage.


MD5 Shift Out

input value base output hash
SO char 4DEDB2240A1E0F038DCDC8B3DE92264C
14 dec AAB3238922BCC25A6F606EB525FFDC56
00001110 bin 9F0ED64C01DC23328A30A0F7551755B7
0000 1110 bin E1DD27B1513D1D3F6E59F2FE446D090E
16 oct C74D97B01EAE257E44AA9D5BADE97BAF
0E hex 8EE0187E5514F64E77080C203203080B
0x0E hex 4B8F4E00F16E64B54F8B99ABFF991E78

SHA256 Shift Out

input value base output hash
SO char 4D7B3EF7300ACF70C892D8327DB8272F54434ADBC61A4E130A563CB59A0D0F47
14 dec 8527A891E224136950FF32CA212B45BC93F69FBB801C3B1EBEDAC52775F99E61
00001110 bin D324D5644F65EEC54F28F9C8B07058C7452F5C11FF89CD21EEA46B859603C99C
0000 1110 bin 0BA4C423FA99554C438AB341B0755E2ED91A102C005ADA96FE52830C7FFD78A2
16 oct B17EF6D19C7A5B1EE83B907C595526DCB1EB06DB8227D650D5DDA0A9F4CE8CD9
0E hex 497ADD7A3F2750C4EC651A7F9C15C3685CED3F96CA32F78D2A896FC64E00C43A
0x0E hex D8510861944E0E080CE4788957B76A081B64DC49542DB350839EB6E2E381A84C

Base64 Shift Out

input value base output hash
SO char Dg==
14 dec MTQ=
00001110 bin MDAwMDExMTA=
0000 1110 bin MDAwMCAxMTEw
16 oct MTY=
0E hex MEU=
0x0E hex MHgwRQ==
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 2018-2025 © Dmytro Koshovyi. Ukraine, Mykolayiv.